
About This Blog

Hi! I'm Kira. This is my personal website. I write here about things I'm thinking, learning, doing, and reading. Topics vary pretty wildly, but the main ones on my mind lately are

You can hear about new posts via RSS, email, or by following me on Twitter (though I also tweet about a lot of other, non-blog-related things there, too!).

About This Website

This website is built with morphy, a simple static site generator I made, and served by vercel via this github repo. If you spot a typo or other problem you can make an issue there. I use the normalize.css stylesheet to try to make my css behave predictably, but otherwise all the css on this website is hand-rolled and intentionally minimalist by me. I have a style guide for reference, with a sampling of all the elements found on this website. The styles and the idea for a style guide where I can see how everything looks in one place are inspired by a great designer I've had the pleasure of working with, Benjy Stanton.

About Me

I write software for a living, mostly in Clojure, and spend most of my time in Montreal, Canada. I work from home and love travelling when possible. I often spend many months of the year in other places. I love warm weather, but have only Canadian citizenship so I'm perpetually seeking sunny destinations that are safe, welcoming, and affordable.

I love hearing from people and talking about what's on my mind, i.e. the kind of stuff I write about here. You can find me on twitter as @kiraemclean or email me at contact@kiramclean.com.